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Find your Tool's Model # to see what Fasteners are Compatible with your Nailer or Stapler.
Tip: Hit [Ctrl] + [F] or [Command ⌘] + [F] and type Model # to find your Tool Faster

00023 (Metal Connector)
01122 (30-34 Paper Tape)
01231 (Coil Framing)
01290 (Siding)
01605 (7/16" N Series)
01612 (1" wide crown staple)
01614 (1" wide crown staple)
AMC38 (Metal Connector)
AN100341 (30-34 Paper Tape)
CN831 (Coil Framing)
DPN644MCKIT (Bulk Nails)
F50FDIY (18ga. Brad)
LNF50AC (L-Cleat Flooring)
LU1416AC (1400 series FW)
LU5018AC (50 series FW)
LU7116AC (3G/71 Series)
LU8016AC (80 series FW)
LU9040LAC (L / 60 series)
LU951F2 (S4 1/2" crown)
LUST32H (GSI sofitt)
RN45E2 (Roofing)
RPT650P (23 ga. Pins)
RPT850P (21 ga. Pins)

AF353 (23ga pin)
AF506 (18ga Brad)
AF601 (16ga Nails)
AF635 (15ga DA)
AN454 (Roofing)
AN613 (Siding)
AN902 (Coil Framing)
AN924 (Plastic Strip)
AN943 (30-34 Paper Tape)
AN944 (28 Wire Weld)
AT1150A (7/16" N Series)
AT2550A (1" Wide Crown Stapler)
AT638A (L / 60 Series)
DPT353Z (23ga Pin)
DBN500Z (18ga Brad)
DBN600Z (16ga Nails)
DFN350Z (18ga Brad)
DST221Z (Hammer Tacker)
PT001GA102 (23ga Pin)
PT001GZ (23ga Pin)
FN0001GZ (18ga Brad)

(18ga Brad Nailers):
F-18XP Fusion – 10M0001N
FinishPro 25XP – 760102N
SLP20XP – 430101N
FinishPro 18Mg – 1U0021N
FinishPro 18BMg – 9B0001N
(18ga Brad)
LS1XP – 8N0001N (18ga. Headless)
TN21L1(21ga Pin)
TN11G1(23ga Pin)
TN11G1P(23ga Pin)
TN11L1(23ga Pin)
F-35XP Fusion - 10G0002N(30PT)
FramePro 325XP – 4Z0101N(30PT)
FramePro 701XP – 2H0133N(30PT)
FN91T1(30-34 Paper Tape)
FramePro 751XP – 2J0103N(30PT)
(Plastic Strip Nailers):
F-35FRHXP Fusion – 10H0002N
FramePro 325FRHXP – 4H0101N
FramePro 702XP – 2K0103N
FramePro 752XP – 2F0103N
PalletPro 57FXP – 4L0001N(Siding)
SCN60XP – 520101N(Siding)
SCN65XP – 540101N(Coil Framing)
SCN65XP – 540104N(Coil Framing)
(MTO)PalletPro 100XP – 5L0001N(Coil Framing)
(MTO)PalletPro 130XP – 5M0001N (Large 5-1/8" - Coil Nailer)
JN91H1 (Metal Connector)
JN91H2(Metal Connector)
JN91P1(Metal Connector)
JN91P2(Metal Connector)
RoofPro 445XP – 8V0001N(Roofing)
SFT10XP A/D-Wire – 6S0001N(3400 Series)
SFT10XP A/D-Wire – 6S0101N(3400 Series)
SFT10XP B-Wire – 6S0011N
SFT10XP C-Wire – 6S0021N(3G/71)
SFW09-C Fine – 6S0321N(3G/71)
SFW09-C Fine – 4C0001N(3G/71)
SFT10XP E-Wire – 6S0031N
SFT10XP F-Wire – 6S0041N(PW50)
SFT10XP G-Wire – 6S0051N
SFT10XP H-Wire Auto D/L – 6S0361N
DFPXP 20ga Clinch Stapler – 8H0001N (PW50)
F75SXP – 8J0001N
F75LXP Long Reach – 8J0002N
SFT10XP B-Wire Auto D/L - 6S0311N
SFT10XP C-Wire Auto – 6S0121N
SFT10XP C-Wire D/L - 6S0221N
SFT10XP C-Wire Long Nose 6S0421N (3G / 71 Series)
SFT10XP F-Wire Auto D/L – 6S0341N (PW 50)
SFT10XP G-Wire D/L – 6S0251N
F-LXP – 10Y0001N(L / 60 Series)
LS61H1P(L / 60 Series)
SLS150MG – 8C0001N(L/60 Series)
SLS20XP-L – 490103N(L/60 Series)
SLS20XP-L – 490105N(L/60 Series)
SLS20 - 490015N(L/60 Series)
SLS25XP-L – 820103N(L/60 Series)
SKSXP-L – 300120N(L/60 Series)
SLS20XP-M – 490107N (M series)
SLS25XP-M – 820107N
SKSXP-M – 300152N
SLS20XP-K - 490101N
SLS20XP-R - 490111N
SLS20XP-HF - 490021N
SKSXP-N – 300184N(7/16"N Series)
SNS41 – 3L0003N(7/16" N Series)
NS20XP – 9X0001N(7/16" N Series)
NS20BXP – 9Y0001N(N Series)
SQS55XP – 660101N
PS15XP – 9T0001N (1" 16ga. Wide Crown)
PS20XP - 9W0001N
PS15RXP – 9U0001N(1" 16ga. Wide Crown)
BC58 – 4A0001N
TN51P1P / 10L0001N (15ga DA)
TN41P1P / 10N0001N (16ga Nails)
9P0002N (15ga DA)
A20 PC0781 (Bulk Nail Palm Nailer)
PC1195 (Bulk Nail Palm Nailer)
1U002IN / FIP118MG(L / 60Series)
4G0001N / FIP42XP(15ga DA)

21680BALM (80 series)
438S2-1 (Bostitch Wide Crown)
450S2-1 (Bostitch Wide Crown)
650S4-1 (S4 1/2" Crown)
650S5-1 (7/16" N series)
BT50 (18ga Brad)
BT1855K (18ga. Brad)
BTF83PT (30-34 Paper Tape)
BTF83WW (28 Wire Weld)
BTFP12233 (18ga Brad)
BTFP12569 (2in1 Flooring)
BTFP1850K (18ga Brad)
BTFP2350K(23ga Pin)
BTFP71875 (Hammer Tacker)
BTFP72155 (15ga DA)
BTFP72156 (15ga FN)
F21PL (Plastic Strip)
F28WW (28 Wire Weld)
F33PT (30-34 Paper Tape)
FN1664K (16ga Nails)
H30-8 (Hammer Tacker)
HP118K (23ga Pin)
IC60-1 (Siding)
LPF33PT (30-34 Paper Tape)
MCN150 (1-1/2" Metal Conn)
MCN250 (2-1/2" Metal Conn)
MiiiFN (Flooring Cleat Nailer)
MiiiFS (15.5ga Flooring)
N62FNK2 (15ga FN)
N66C-1 (Siding)
N75C-1 (Coil Framing)
N80CB-1 (Coil Framing)
N89C-1 (Coil Framing)
RN46-1 (Roofing)
S32SX-1 (7/32" 18ga Staple)
SB1850 (18ga Brad)
SB2IN1 (NAILER) (18ga Brad)
SL1838BC (92 Series)
SX1838K (7/32" 18ga Staple)

2447-20 (Hammer Tacker)
2447-21 (Hammer Tacker)
2448-20 (Cable Staple)
2458-20 (Bulk Nails)
2540-20 (23ga Pin)
2540-21 (23ga Pin)
2541-20 (18ga Brad)
2741-20 (16ga Nails)
2741-21CT (16ga Nails)
2742-20 (16ga Angled)
2742-21CT (16ga Angled)
2743-20 (15ga DA)
2743-21CT (15ga DA)
2744-20 (Plastic Strip)
2744-21 (Plastic Strip)
2745-20 (30-34 Paper Tape)
2745-21 (30-34 Paper Tape)
2746-20 (18ga Brad)
2746-21CT (18ga Brad)
2749-20 (L / 60 Series)
2749-21CT (L / 60 Series)
2839-20 (15ga DA)
2841-20 (16ga Angled)
2841-21CT (16ga Angled)
2843-20 (Fencing)
2843-22 (Fencing)
2844-20 (Duplex)
2844-21 (Duplex)
2909-20 (Roofing)
2909-21 (Roofing)
3020-20 (16ga Nails)
7200-20 (Plastic Strip)
7220-20 (30-34 Paper Tape)

AFN1565(15ga DA)
FCN90B-CT / FCN90LB-ST(Coil-Frame)
FN1665(16ga Nails)
FN1850 / FN1850D(18ga Brad)
FS9040 / FS9040D(L / 60 series)
FS9240 / FS9240D (92 Series)
FSM40 (M series)
(Plastic Strip Nailers):
FSN130B (5-1/8" - 21°)
FSN131 (5-1/8" - 21°)
FSN160 (6-1/4" - 21°)
FSN2283A / FSN2283AD
FSN34100 (30-34 Paper Tape)
FSN34100LM2(30-34 Paper Tape)
FSN3490ST(30-34 Paper Tape)
MCN40B (Metal Connector)
MCN65 / MCN65LM (Metal Conn)
P635 / P635B /P650 (23ga Pin)
P850 (21ga Pin)
PN100 / PN100B(Coil Framing)
PN130B (5-1/8" - Coil Nailer)
PN51B (Siding)
PN57B / PN57BPAL (Siding)
PN58 / PN58PAL(Siding)
PN59 (Coil Framing)
PN65M(Coil Framing)
PN65M-D(Coil Framing)
PN70 / PN70CL(Coil Framing)
PN70CLB / PN80 (Coil Framing)
PN90(Coil Framing)
RCN45 (Roofing)
SCN51 (Siding)
SCN65B-CM (Siding)
SCN65C (Siding)
SCN66B-ST (Siding)
SCN90L (Coil Framing)
SN402P / SN402S2 (1" Crown Stapler)
SN402S2LM (1" Wide Crown Stapler)
SN40GSW-14 (GSW 14ga. Stapler)
SN40GSW-R (GSW 15/16" Crown)
SN40P /SN40P-R
SN40S2/SN40S2-R (BCS2 Style)
SN412S2 / SN41S2 / SN41S2-R
(16ga. Bostitch BCS2 Wide Crown )
SN41S4 (S4 1/2" Crown)
SN41S5 (7/16" Crown N Series)
SN50GS-14 (Paslode GS-14 14ga.)
SN50GS-16 (16ga GS 1/2" Crown)
SN50GSI(7/16" Crown N Series)
SN50S4(S4 1/2" Crown)
SN50S5 (7/16" Crown N Series)
SN65Q-CT(Senco 15ga 7/16" crwn)
US1013F (23ga. 7/16" MAX 10F 1000F)
US1013J (20ga. 7/16" MAX 10J 1000J)
US416J (20 GA. Duo-Fast 63)
US5016 (50 Series)
US5416 (54 Series)
US6416(5/8" Atro 6 / BeA 64 22ga.)
US7116 / US7116A (3G /71 Series)
US7116ALM / US7116LN (3G /71 )
US8016 / US8016A (80 Series)
US8016ALM / US8016LN(80 Series)US8416 (21ga. BostitchSBNK/Fasco 84)
US9716 (97 Series 5/8" x 21ga.)
US9916 (Atro 99 / Prebena ED 21ga.)
USA1116(T50 Hammer Tacker)
USSJK16 (Atro SJK 22ga.)
USSNCF16 (PW 50 Series)
PN51B / FCN90B (Coil Framing)
PN57B / PN57HD / PN57PP (Coil Framing)
SCN65C / SCN66(Siding)

D51257K (16ga Nails)
D51276K (15ga DA)
DCN650B (15ga DA)
DCN650D1 (15ga DA)
DCN660B (16ga Angled)
DCN660D1 (16ga Angled)
DCN662B (16ga Nails)
DCN662D1 (16ga Nails)
DCN680B (18ga Brad)
DCN680D1 (18ga Brad)
DCN681B (L / 60series)
DCN681D1 (L / 60 series)
DCN682B (L / 60 series)
DCN682M1 (L / 60 series)
DCN692B (30-34 Paper Tape)
DCN692M1 (30-34 Paper Tape)
DCN930B (30-34 Paper Tape)
DCN930D1 (30-34 Paper Tape)
DW45RN (Roofing)
DCN45RNB (Roofing)
DW66C-1 (Siding)
DWF83C (Coil Framing)
DWF83PL (Plastic Strip)
DWF83PT (30-34 Paper Tape)
DWF83WW (28 Wire Weld)
DWFP12231 (18ga Brad)
DWFP12232 (L / 60 series)
DWFP12233 (18ga Brad)
DWFP12569 (2in1 Flooring Tool)
DWFP1838 (L / 60 series)
DWFP71917 (16ga Nails)
DWFP72155 (15ga DA)
DWMC150 (1-1/2" Metal Conn)
DWMIIIFS (15.5ga Flooring)
DCN701B (Cable Staple)
DCN701D1 (Cable Staple)

N1804DAM(L / 60 Series)
N1804DBM(L / 60 Series)
N1850DGM (18ga Brad)
N3804A(L / 60 Series)
N3804A5M (L / 60 Series) N3804AB3M (L / 60 Series)
N3808APM (Cap Stapler)
N4004ABM (L / 60 Series)
N5008AC2 (7/16" N Series)
N5008AC2M (7/16" N Series)
N5010A / N5010AM (16ga GS)
N5021A (15/16" wide crown)
N5021AM (15/16" wide crown)
N5024A2 (1" wide crown)
N5024A2M (1" wide crown)
N510AB / N5009AF (15.5ga Floor)
NH90ABM (Palm Nailer)
NP18DSALM (23ga Pin)
NP18DSALTM (23ga Pin)
NP35A /NP35AM (23ga Pin)
NP50AM (23ga Pin)
NR1890DCSTM (Plastic Strip)
NR1890DRSTM (Plastic Strip)
NR3665DAM (Metal Conn)
NR3690DC/NR3690DCM (30 PT)
NR3690DRM (Plastic Strip)
NR38AKM (1-1/2" Metal Conn)
NR65AK2 (Metal Conn)
NR65AK2SM (Metal Conn)
NR83A5(Y)M (Plastic Strip)
NR83AA5M (30-34 Paper Tape)
NR90AC5M (Plastic Strip)
NR90ADS1(30-34 Paper Tape)
NR90ADS1M(30-34 Paper Tape)
NR90AEPRM(Plastic Strip)
NR90AFS1M (28 Wire Weld)
NT1850DFTM (18ga Brad)
NT1865DMASM (15ga DA) NT1865DMASTM (15ga DA)
NT1865DMM (16ga Nails)
NT50A5M (18ga Brad)
NT50AE2 /NT50AE2M (18ga Brad)
NT65A5M / NT65M2 (16ga Nails)
NT65M / NT65M2M (16ga Nails)
NT65MA4 (15ga DA)
NT65MA4M (15ga DA)
NV45AB2 / NV45AB2M (Roofing)
NV50A1 (Siding)
NV65AH / NV65AH2 (Siding)
NV65AH2M / NV65ANM (Siding)
NV75A5M (Coil Framing)
NV75ANM (Coil Framing)
NV83A5 (Coil Framing)
NV83A5M (Coil Framing)
NV90AGS (Coil Framing)
NV90AGSM (Coil Framing)

CN55 (Siding)
CN70 (Coil Framing)
CN80 (Coil Framing)
CN100 (Coil Framing)
CN550S (Siding)
CN445R3 (Roofing)
CN565S3 (Siding)
CN890F2 ( Coil Framing)
NF235FA/23-35 (23ga Pin)
NF255FA/18 (18ga Brad)
NF565A/16 (16ga Nails)
NF665A/15 (15ga DA)
SN438J (1-1/2" Metal Conn)
SN883CH2/28 (28 Wire Weld)
SN883RH3 (Plastic Strip)
SN890CH3-34 (30-34 Paper Tape)
TA116A/21-13 (80 series)
TA116A/22-9 (3G / 71 series)
TA238B/18-6 (L / 60 series)
TA551B/16-11 (7/16" N series)
HN120 (High Pressure)
HN25C (High Pressure)
HN90F (High Pressure)
HN65J2 (High Pressure)
HN65S (High Pressure)
CN665D (Framing Coil)
NF255SF2/18 (18ga Brad)

501000 (F350S) (30-34 PaperTape)
501230 (16ga GS16)
502140 (16ga Nails)
502360 (corrugated fastener)
502900 (PSN100.1)
511800 (Metal Connector)
513000 (F325R) (30 Paper Tape)
515500 (T250S-F16P) (16ga Nails)
515700 (SCS200) (16ga GS16)
515800 (WCS200 15/16" Crown)
902400 (16ga Nails)
903700 (18ga Brad)
903800 (16ga Nails)
905800IX (30-34 Paper Tape)
906200 (Paslode Fuel Nail Pack)
906250 (Paslode Fuel Nail Pack)
906450IXT (CFN325IM XP) (30 PT)
918150 (18ga Brad)
F350-S (30-34 Paper Tape)
HP-100 (23ga Pin)
IM325XP(30-34 Paper Tape)
Impulse(30-34 Paper Tape)
LL325C (Coil Framing)
N18-125 (18ga GSN)
N18-150 (18ga GSN)
P18-200 (18ga Brad)
P18-FS200 (2 in 1) Nailer
P18-FS200 (2 in 1) Stapler
PF150S-PP (Metal Conn)
PF250S-PP(Metal Conn)
T250A-F16 (16ga Nails)
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